Saturday, March 29, 2008

LA Blog #2


Ok, so it has taken me awhile to continue this thing.  Like I warned before, I tend to forget about any blog I begin after only the first posting... but I'm trying!  Anyhow, many new developments since my last posting.  As far as things that are the same, I am still at the movie theater.  I'm only working 2-3 nights a week though.  I have been keeping the other days free to work on my acting career.  One might say that this seems like a not so great idea, seeing as I need to pay rent soon.  However, one might not know that I have been getting plenty of television work recently.  

So far, I have done some background acting for a web show directed by Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly), titled "Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long-Blog starring Neil Patrick Harris.  I have no idea when it will air, but if you google it, I'm sure you can find more info on it.  

Next came a day shoot on "Samantha Who."  This show is apparently very popular although I have never seen nor heard of it.  Christina Applegate is the leading actor, I'm not sure if anyone else in the cast is well known.

Last Monday I was cast as a background doctor on Grey's Anatomy.  See if you can spot me when it airs. How will you know which episode I am in? I can't really say other than the guest star was Cheech Marin.  He seemed to be a pretty good guy.  

Finally, I just received the called last night that I will be playing a protester in a feature film titled, An American Carol.  I'm very excited to be working on a film set next week for my first time.  I can't imagine this film will make it to the big screen, as its top stars are Kelsey Grammer and Chris Farley's brother Kevin... thats right, the guy from 2Gether.  Apparently I am protesting in front of a Trace Adkins concert in an attempt to abolish July 4th... I don't know, I just take the paycheck.

Outside of work, what else is new? Not a whole lot really.  I received a phone call from a nearby grocery store that I applied at for employment a while back.  THey may be having me in sometime this coming week to interview with them.  It would be quite helpful to land this job and leave the theater.  The store is less than a 10min walk so I'll save on gas and get a nice percentage off of my food... Very good.

Now I know I've teased my most anticipated films of 2008 list, however it is not yet complete.  Sorry guys.  It could be up by the end of this weekend, who knows? However, I can tell you that after seeing the preview many times, and being a fan of Mr. Clooney, I will say that I am indeed looking for to Leatherheads next week.  

Oh one more note. At the end of May, Leslie and Kevin will be visiting me out here. i am quite excited about that.  I have already booked tickets for us on the Price is Right.  Could be pretty cool, or it could be pretty lame. We'll see.  Otherwise, if any of you will be in LA for any reason, or want to visit, drop me a message. Perhaps we can work something out :)

Until next time,

Friday, March 14, 2008

LA Blog #1

Ok, so I may have told a few people when I left Ohio, and then again once I arrived in LA , that I would start keeping a blog up for everyone to know what's going on out here... I suck at keeping blogs updated, but, I am going to attempt this one anyhow.

So catch up time: If you are reading this and did not know that I have moved to LA, welcome to the now.  I am currently living in a small town called Eagle Rock.  I'm in a small comfy house with friends Greg and Jackie Surface.  I met the Surface's, pre-marriage, in NY while attending film school.  Jackie is a teacher and Greg works in film.  

I am presently employed at a movie joint called Laemmle Theater in Old Town Pasadena. I have been there for a few weeks and I must say, working in a theater is not as cool as I always thought it would be. First of all, I start at minimum wage which I suppose I expected. What really kills me is the down time.  On average about 3 hours of a 5 hour shift is spent in downtime. I read a book in two work shifts last week.  It gets boring.  However, I do get free movies, free popcorn and beverages at anytime, so I guess it kind of weighs out.

Now, as it pertains to my film/acting career, so far there have been no real developments.  Other than of course my registering with two background/extra casting agencies who have yet to find me work...  It would seem that I am almost too good looking to be an extra as I would be distracting the focus away from the main stars (thats my assumption, don't believe it.)  Of course Greg is also trying to work some magic while he is working on set to get me into some work whether it be on or behind camera.  

Also, I have plans to finally get my headshots done either in April or early May.  I had suffered some sort of shoulder injury near the end of 2007 and was unable to be as heavily active as I normally am and it caused about a 10 pound weight gain.  Now with my shoulder seemingly in the best condition that it possibly can get back to, I'm dieting and exercising to get my weight back down in time for my headshots as I'd prefer not to be so puffy cheeked in the eyes of all casting directors across LA.

Now, finally, for those of you who are dying to know about any celebrity sightings I have encountered during my short stay out here so far, there hasn't really been anything. That is, unless you count seeing a guy who I think might have been John Cho in Pasadena as news...

  That about wraps this thing up.  I hope it was all you have dreamed of (Dan and Bryan). Responses will only motivate me to do more as I love attention... haha.  Any questions or anything let me know. Perhaps next time I will attempt to bring you my list of most anticipated films of 2008.  Talk to me!
