Monday, February 8, 2010

Arthur's 10 Film Picks of 2010 Quarter 1

Greetings! Once again, (hopefully for the last time) I must apologize for my lack of blog updates. However, the wait is over and I think may have been worth it as I have big things planned for the blog in coming weeks!

With my first update of 2010, I'd like to share with you a rundown of the 10 films I am most excited for during the first quarter of the year. Yes, I know I am a month and a half late. Also, I haven't seen the movies that have already been released on my list due to school and a month of jury duty summoning... BUT, without further hesitation, lets get into it!

10. FROZEN (2/5/10): This film is on a limited release, which means it won't be anywhere near Lorain County. The basic rundown: 3 students on a skit trip get stranded on a ski lift over a long week of closed slopes. Watch the trailer. The idea is absolutely absurd. Yet, I am oddly interested in seeing the flick. Reminds me of Phone Booth, in the sense that the characters are stuck in one spot for the duration of the movie. Open Water also comes to mind. Obviously, this isn't going to be a great film, but I believe there are big opportunities for goofy popcorn munching entertainment. Trailer:

9. Youth In Revolt (1/8/10): I know. A lot of people are tired of the Michael Cera act. I was excited about this flick due to the fact that not only do we get the typical performance, but also a "new" Cera character. Also, we get some much desired Zach Galifinakis comedy. *Side note: Have you watched any of HBO's new series "Bored To Death" starring Zach and Jason Schwartzmann? Must see!* Anyhow, this flick is already out and didn't receive kind reviews. In fact, I don't know if its even still in theaters. Looks like I'll be waiting for DVD. Whoops! Trailer:

8. Remember Me (3/12/10): I don't understand the Twilight thing. I watched the movie and it was kind of embarrassing. I don't want my vampires to shimmer in the sun. I'm sorry. For the best vampire flick of last year, check out the Swedish film Let The Right One In. MUST SEE. Ok, a bit off topic. Why do I bring up Twilight? Remember Me stars Robert Pattinson. A few weeks ago I saw a magazine cover that asked the question: "Is Robert Pattinson this generation's Marlon Brando?" I was outraged. Until now. Just watch the trailer... I'm pretty excited about the performances in this one. (Not to mention, my super LOST crush Emilie De Ravin is co-starring) Trailer:

7. Cop Out (2/26/10): I could easily just state that this is a Kevin Smith film to justify it being on my list. He has yet to let me down with any of his films. (Yeah, I liked Jersey Girl). Cop Out, however, is Smith's first film that he did not write himself. I find this to be a bit apparent just by listening to the dialogue. I think Bruce Willis has some great humor delivery, as seen in The Whole 9 Yards, years back. Tracy Morgan as his sidekick? Nuff Said. THis film was originally to be titled A Couple Of Dicks. At least they tried. (Seann William Scott steals the trailer). Trailer:

6. Hot Tub Time Machine (3/26/10): Look at this cast. This movie looks absolutely silly. John Cusack has always been a favorite of mine. Clarke Duke killed everyday I worked on the set of Greek in Los Angeles. That's pretty much all there is to say about this one. Absolute goofball guy comedy. Bring it on! Oh! I almost forgot! Throw in the GORGEOUS Lizzy Caplan? Yes please. Trailer:

5. The Wolfman It seems like absolutely forever ago that Benicio Del Toro was announced for this movie. The release date has been pushed multiple times and I think I have now had it on 3 upcoming movie lists I have written. I know I may have an issue with Anthony Hopins. I do respect his work, but I cannot see him as anyone other than Hannibal Lector. Dammit! Why did he have to be so perfect in that role?! Haha. The transformation clips in the trailer look very similar to An American Werewolf in London... And THAT'S A GOOD THING! Trailer:

4. Edge Of Darkness (1/29/10): This movie closely resembles last years Taken to me. I loved the HELL out of that movie. I can't say I've ever been excited about the release of a Mel Gibson flick, although, most of his good movies were released well before I knew who he was... This movie has also been released already, but I plan on possibly seeing it very soon. Maybe this weekend? I loved Bad Ass Mel Gibson in Payback... lets hope this one holds up just as well! Trailer:

3. I Love You Phillip Morris (3/26/10): Jim Carrey may be my all time favorite actor. I'm really bummed out that this movie is being released so early in the year. That leads me to believe that the studio doesn't have a whole lot of faith in the flick and that it likely will be long forgotten come time for next years Oscar nominations. Jim Carrey deserves his trophy. He should've had it long ago for his performance in Man On The Moon... fingers crossed. Trailer:

2. Alice In Wonderland (3/5/10): Tim Burton has been in a bit of a slump in my opinion. Maybe I need to see Sweeny Todd again. I don't know. Otherwise, I must say that his last great movie was Big Fish. I think its finally time for him to has a big big big hit. This movie looks insane. From my understanding, it is set 10 years after Alice's original visit to Wonderland, without her having any memory of her past experience. I also believe its told more so from the Mad Hatter's (Johnny Depp, duh) perspective. I plan on seeing this opening night! Trailer:

1. Shutter Island (2/19/10): Give me a break. Name me a terrible Scorsese movie. Can't do it? Ok, maybe some are only semi-decent movies... but his weak films are better than most other directors' best films! Throw Leo DiCaprio into the mix? Golden. Also a little bummed that this isn't being held to closer to Oscar time, but on the otherhand, I want to see this right now. Another opening night viewing for me! The balding crazy lady really creeps me out in the trailer... Trailer:

So that raps it up. Let me know what ya think! Have you seen the movies from the list that have already been released? Anything I've missed? Let me know! I plan on having another update this weekend on this weeks opening films and my thoughts on the Oscar nominations for this year. Thanks for reading and to steal a quote from a couple of well known critics... See ya at the movies!

-Arthur J. Born
